Chris Stone is a certified Brand Strategist and founder of Faith Driven Global™, the premier channel for brands to reach the rapidly emerging and economically powerful consumer segment known as Faith Driven Consumers—41 million adults who comprise 17 percent of the U.S. population and spend $2 trillion annually. Stone has spent nearly 20 years building bridges between major brands and their target customers. Regarded as the national expert on the Faith Driven Consumer™ segment, Stone was the first to qualify and quantify this highly differentiated, unique subset of the broader Christian market segment.
Under the banner of Faith Driven Global™, Stone is also the founder of: Faith Driven Consumer™, which educates, equips, and motivates Faith Driven Consumers to action in the marketplace of goods, services, and ideas; Faith Driven Entertainment™, which encourages Hollywood and other entertainment content producers to create more faith-friendly options that will resonate with the Faith Driven Consumer audience; American Insights, which brings innovative polling, survey research, and micro-targeting to brands enabling them to gain deep insight into the faith-driven community; and The Stone Agency, a national branding, marketing, and advertising agency with clients spanning a wide variety of sectors.
Key Takeaways:
[4:23] Whether following Faithnomics and worrying about religious spending is worth it to businesses
[9:14] If Hollywood is unfairly criticizing religious figures while profiting off them
[14:28] If other religious markets have a market that are big enough for businesses to concern themselves with
[18:29] Whether profiting off marketing to religious buyers goes against the bible's teachings
[22:18] How social media has impacted religious speech
[27:19] How the progressive mentality is shutting down religious voices
Websites Mentioned:
SS 92 - Faith Driven Consumer and Faithnomics with Chris Stone