David Porter appears on the podcast for the second time and catches up with Jason. David was on the podcast many years ago to talk about a metric he had creatively come up with that Jason dubbed the 'free lunch'. David considers himself a very conservative investor and didn't even get into debt until Jason recommended him to. He has been incredibly happy with the progress so far and shares some fantastic insight with Jason's audience today on the Solomon Success show.
Key Takeaways:
4:52 – David purchased his first out-of-state home in 2009 with Jason's team.
9:30 – David has an extensive shipping and fiance background and shares his story.
16:15 – Both Jason and David are in the agreement that owning property is safer than owning stock.
21:10 – Not taking advantage of the ability to borrow money for investment purposes is like stuffing money under a mattress.
24:20 – David says there has been an increase in retail shipments this year than ever before.
28:10 – Jason wonders whether China's economy will be able to over take the United State's economy.
33:10 – The thing that makes the US unique compared to Grease or Italy is that we can print as much money as want.
41:00 – Jason talks about a kick starter campaign for glowing trees and how cool it is to be alive.
48:45 – David shares some tips as to what houses he looks for to invest.
55:15 – David shares more specific numbers on his house appreciation over the years.
Mentioned In This Episode:
Abundance by Peter Diamandis
Makers by Chris Anderson
Khan Academy
David Porter's first interview - http://www.jasonhartman.com/89-%E2%80%93-the-%E2%80%9Cfree-lunch%E2%80%9D-metric-what-it-tells-about-income-property-%E2%80%93-an-impromptu-discussion/